We thought it would be a good opportunity to make the most of all the SEOs being in London for SES at the end of May, and have our next LondonSEO piss-up to coincide with it.
So, we’re thinking Wednesday 31st May & we’re looking to find a good pub in Islington to keep it near to SES + the SES hotel.
Anyway stay tuned for the final details + if anyone has any recommendations on location let us know.
Also we’re toying with the idea of a sponsor to put money behind the bar – so any SEs or aff programs out there that want access to some spammers for a night, get in touch.
Wow – so much grief about putting two cropped words from the english language together.
Now even though I thought people would understand PubCon to mean the generic name for a group meeting up at a pub, it seems many get a bit confused.
So one of the things to come out of this is that maybe we should come up with a more unique name for our meetings.
How about – The London SEO Not A PubCon Group? The London SEO We’re So Lame According To Bill Group? The London SEO Brett Tabke Depreciation Group? My personal favourite would be – The London SEO Fuck Everyone Who Wants To Moan And Bitch About A Bloody Word That Has Already Wasted Too Much Of My Precious Fucking Time Group.
The thing that annoys me though, is that if I change things now to help the confused people and stop this useless bickering, people are gonna think that I’ve backed down to Brett’s legal threat, but that is not the case. Fortunately, I work with a large dot com Plc with a big legal and IP department who found this whole issue hugely entertaining and they have told me that I do not need to change the phrase. And on top of that I don’t really give a shit what some people think.
So enough’s enough – we’re not keeping the phrase, we’re not going to come up with an alternative, I’m just getting rid of it.
Hopefully this will be the end of it. Apart from a return to good form over at TW, this has been a complete waste of time.
Spoke to Jason a couple of days ago about Feb’s piss-upmeet-up. He mentioned that Syndk8 are having BlackHatSpamCon2006 🙂 for the following 2 days in Manchester.
On checking out the thread it sounds like a great meet – lots of good people going, so I think I’ll join them.
Due to family commitments I won’t be able to do both events myself, but the London meet can obviously still go ahead if others are up for it.
Would 3 days of solid SEOcialising (think I’ll trademark that name) be too much for people? Or should we postpone for a few weeks?