What is LondonSEO you ask?

LondonSEO is a quarterly networking meet-up for internet marketing professionals of all sorts (not just SEOs!) to have fun, drink far too much and make new friends in the industry. The meet-ups started in 2005 (yes that long ago) and are still going strong.

Don’t be shy, come along to the next one!

Venue Found

by - Posted on

*** For Tim (who can’t read things in the top left corner of a page): The pissup is set for Thursday, June 1st ***

We’ve finally found a suitable pub in a prime location just opposite the Business Design Centre. Here’s the details:

The Camden Head

Camden Head Outside

2 Camden Walk
Camden Passage
N1 8DY
Tel: 0871-223-3759

We aim to start drinking from about 6 or 7pm onwards – so head on over after SES finishes for the day. The pub will also still be open to the public so you may have to play a game of ‘spot the spammer’ to begin with, but they are aware that we will overrun the place by the evening. To get the free drinks all night just bring along your SES pass or we might sort out some wrist bands or something.

The pub itself isn’t quite on the high street it’s tucked away, so from the Hilton cross over Upper Street (the main road) and walk left towards Islington Green then turn a quick right down Camden Walk and you’ll see it in front of you!

Camden Head

We Have a Sponsor

by Mike - Posted on

Fantastic news for all those SEOs who love beer but hate paying!! We have a sponsor!!

The kind folks over at PartyPoker.com have offered to buy us all drinks for the night.

A couple of the PartyPoker affiliate guys will be around for a chat and may even have some iPods + other stuff to raffle away 🙂

Working on the Details

by Mike - Posted on

We thought it would be a good opportunity to make the most of all the SEOs being in London for SES at the end of May, and have our next LondonSEO piss-up to coincide with it.

So, we’re thinking Wednesday 31st May & we’re looking to find a good pub in Islington to keep it near to SES + the SES hotel.

Anyway stay tuned for the final details + if anyone has any recommendations on location let us know.

Also we’re toying with the idea of a sponsor to put money behind the bar – so any SEs or aff programs out there that want access to some spammers for a night, get in touch.