LondonSEO Summer BBQ Party

by Rob Kerry - Posted on

It’s time for another LondonSEO and not even the ridiculous heat in our beloved capital can stop us! Although most of us geeks prefer to shy away for the sun and direct sunlight, some people bizarrely enjoy being out in the heat and beaming rays. Sacrificing pub nostalgia this August, we’ll be holding LondonSEO in the courtyard of Vibe Bar on Brick Lane. Not only will there be outdoor air conditioning in the cordoned off courtyard, we’ll also have a South African BBQ available to those who get the munchies.

Media CentrixI’m pleased to announce Media Centrix as this month’s sponsor, who have kindly offered to put their card behind the bar for beers. Media Centrix specialise in recruitment for the online marketing industry. If you’re actively looking to move jobs or just interested in what’s out there, please have a chat to one of the people from Media Centrix who will be attending the event. If you’re recruiting, Media Centrix can also help you find the right people.

Vibe Bar, Brick Lane, London
[Photo Credit: Paul Carstairs]

Here are the vital details you’ll need:

Date: Wednesday 13th August 2008 from 6pm onwards.
Venue: Vibe Bar, The Truman Brewery, 91 Brick Lane, London, E1 6QL [Google Maps] [Streetmap].
Nearest Station: An easy walk from both Liverpool Street and Old Street
FaceBook Group:

I look forward to seeing you all there!

23 thoughts on “LondonSEO Summer BBQ Party

  1. Ahhh will be in Turkey that week so will miss this. Im pretty sure I wont miss the bbq food out there though :). I hope its good weather for the seo summer. Enjoy!

  2. I’ll certainly be there for food and bbq, looking forward to drinking you under the table as per usual Mr Monkey

  3. Missed the last one, but this one sounds like fun. Why don’t you approach all the Recruiters spamming the Facebook group to sponsor the event? Have you also tried Web Analytics companies? This crowd should provide good value for them to sponsor the event.

  4. Not seen you in a wee while Rob, be good to see you and the crazy gang again.

  5. Is this meet and greet for existing LondonSEO’ers or are newbies welcome along too? My office is just upstairs from the bar!

  6. Tim – if you are an SEO in London… you already ARE a LondonSEOer! They’re really not proud if they let the likes of me in.

    Well I was going to be climbing Mount Everest that day. But since it’s you guys…

  7. There will be a *SMALL* number of choccie cupcakes and chocolates tonight so if you’re new, find the SEO Chick in the t-shirt with the plate and grab a celebratory yummy in honour of LisaD and JonM getting engaged!

    Wish them both luck as well (not with your mouth full – that’s rude 😀 )

  8. What a brilliant (if chilly) time.

    Thanks to EGM for organising. You rock Rob!

    If you are the woman who was talking to me while I was setting up and trying to find Lisa and had a possibly French accent and were wearing a white dress shirt, sorry I didn’t give you a card. Remember to pop yourself on the mailing list here. I blog over at SEO Chicks (click my name) and if you email me, I’ll ping you some other women in tech things I am aware of.

    To the guy who took the cupcakes before the happy couple arrived for whom they were intended to celebrate the nuptuals of – naughty naughty. No more cake for LondonSEO.

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