LondonSEO for SES Financial?

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I only realised a week or two ago that another Search Engine Strategies conference is to be held in London this year (this month in fact), specialising in the Finance Sector.

Holding LondonSEO in proximity or association with a conference or SEO meet-up has proven successful in the past, although who will actually be going to SES Financial? From looking at the sponsors, most of the SEOs going will be the speakers rather then attendees – with little involvement from the major engines.

I’ve started a post on the SEW Forums asking who’s going and would it be worth breaking our bi-monthly tradition for a party during this month. The more people who take part in the poll – the better. I’ll even buy you a free pint at the next LondonSEO gathering as a thank you 😉

6 thoughts on “LondonSEO for SES Financial?

  1. February 13th-15th 2007.

    SES Financial Edition – February 13th-15th 2007.

    SES London

  2. Sounds good Earle, I’ll try to make it. Can you set up a working mailing list or blog which allows comments so that everyone can learn about and discuss this meet-up further?

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