LondonSEO By The Sea?

by Rob Kerry - Posted on

We’ve had an offer from Dan (househunter) Caplin to help organise a LondonSEO event in Brighton. I know it’s a long way to travel for my fellow Londoners, although SEO is apparently now one of Brighton’s most popular past times – along with getting old and dying. I’m guessing that they also have a large Scandinavian community, as they were flying the same colourful flags that I saw in Copenhagen recently. If we’re lucky enough to get a sunny day, it could be pretty cool to geek it up by the beach.

To limit workday hangover syndrome, it has been suggested that we hold the event on a Friday – so those who want to stay up all night and drink can do. The train service back to London is also pretty good judging from the last time I used it.

The only points remaining are – a) Can we find a sponsor in Brighton and b) is everyone up for a bit of a school trip?

25 thoughts on “LondonSEO By The Sea?

  1. That chav mobile JPG really gets my juices going!

    Hmmm, what dates we talking here?

  2. Ooooohhhh… I think it needs to be organised early enough so we can all book a drunken flop spot *grins* – they are invaluable!

  3. “The train service back to London is also pretty good judging from the last time I used it.”

    Yeah, but don’t we all need to be heading down on scooters?

    We got off very lightly last time, so I don’t mind putting up a few notes, if there are some fellow sponsors helping out too. Subject to dates being convenient, of course.

  4. Yeah, but don’t we all need to be heading down on scooters?

    That would be so cool, just need to find a place to rent 40-50 Vespa’s and Lambretta’s (already got the mod outfit of course) 😀

  5. Seeing as we’ve got a presence in both London and Brighton – and we’re recruiting for SEO consultants – I’m sure I could arrange a contribution from Propellernet. Just so long as its not on 21st July – selfishly – as I’m away then.

  6. Well it seems that we are good to go then…

    I’m going to be drinking my way round some appropriate venues over the next few days. End of July is very busy for me so I’m looking at either the 20th July or the 3rd August.

    I will keep you posted and hope to confirm the date and venue next week.

    We are the Mods, we are the Mods, we are, we are, we are the Mods.

  7. Yeah, but don’t we all need to be heading down on scooters?

    OH – an outing for my car!!!!! Lift available for one. Chances of getting to Brighton on time and in one piece… limited 🙂

  8. *pouts* Once again I’ll miss a pissup. *pouts*

    Dixon – surely that’s all part of the adventure – gambling on whether you make it to the end destination alive or not – and still in the same car or not!

  9. Just in case anyone is worrying about the lack of updates with the Brighton trip looming closer.

    Our little monkey boy has run away to Ireland for a week to drown himself in Guinness.

    When he does finally return to reality, I’ll make sure he posts an update.

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