Big Party
- Posted onWhat a fantastic night – free beer and lots of search chat – perfect!!!
We at LondonSEO would like to send out a massive THANK YOU to EVERYONE who came along last night for our giant SEO pissup at the Camden Head.
Special thanks also go to Danny & the SES crew for letting us hijack their event and to PartyPoker for picking up the drinks tab.
Just a good old fashioned pubcon
Hobo, Evil Green Monkey, Rand Fishkin & Danny Sullivan
JasonD Practising his poker face for the upcoming SEOBlackhat Poker Tournament
Joe Morin joining in the Jay’s Glasses craze
DaveN looking ………. hmmm ……… er ………. happy
Bob, Bobo & Becs from here at LondonSEO
Ekky can’t keep his eyes off Jim Boykin’s hat
Tall Troll & Gerard
Ren from Trellian
SiteTuners thinking that it’s not quite San Diego weather here.
“No, you really should sign up as a party poker affiliate.”
Andre Chaperon learning from Dermot how to cheat the raffle to get the poker chips set
Tim Ash after just winning a poker table
Adam with his new poker chip set
The CheckIT guys from the Netherlands
A couple of PartyPoker girls
Happiness is an event gone well
There’s some more photos over at, but if anyone else has some gems, please send them over and we’ll put them up.
Thanks again to everyone and we look forward to seeing you at our next pissup.
Also things wouldn’t be right if we didn’t give a special final shout out to Brett 😉
Great piss-up guys, met loads of new faces. Look forward to the next bash – maybe paying for rounds next time will slow down my rate of drinking (although I doubt it). Thank god for bacon butties in the morning 🙂
Heh. Great night all. Nice to put a few faces to names after all this time.
Looking forward to the next one (and to the real PubCon in a few months time too).
Hi Guys,
Is anyone up for another LondonSEO meet-up on 28th July?
Would be good to have a pre SES San Jose meet-up for those who are going, and a good night out for those who are not.
Hi Rob,
Sorry I didn’t see that you’d posted.
Yes we are looking to slip one in before San Jose. (it was also suggested that we do one in San Jose, but decided not to because of so many other parties – but if there’s a quiet night, maybe we’ll do a last minute one)
Might be a bit short notice for the 28th – what about the following week?